Film and Television Rights: Self-Portrait, on Stage

Dressed in cut white poster-board I stood on
stage at the Weaver Street Kindergarten
and to people I didn't know I recited,
"I am a peanut butter and jelly

sandwich." A stranger touched-up my colors
with magic markers; dressed me with stick pins,
tape and staples. Before I said my line,
my hands explored the brown and purple edges

and found a sharp part. It was necessary
to locate the slicing thing. I found it
twice more; cutting three fingers and the top
of my palm. My interior leaked on

crust. I said nothing, but stared at my hands,
then smeared them on my white bread body.
When the celery stalk shoved me, I raised
my arms, palms outward, and said, "I am

a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

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nothing is learned once that does not need learning again. self-portrait as helen, exiled in egypt

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