subway musical 
steven tyler photo 
jumping into tracks 
you tell him! 
empty car 
i'm going to puke 
train rules 
the last month 
stereotypical crazy mumbler 
piddle puddle 
rock paper scissors 
random attack 
a man's shoes 
2 sentence story 
i am no help 
are you threatening me? 
damn metrocard swipers 
comfortably asleep on my shoulder 
kick her ass 
almost bitten 
while i kiss the pole 
you're getting wet 
things not to pick up 
fondled twice 
turnie the turnstile turner 
subway curse 
apology to the mta 
subway music 
also good 
absolutely worse day in history 
cat on dog action 
religious icons performing oral sex 
mommy, i'm scared 
high alert 
white powder 
school of hard knocks 
you don't have to go to university 
homework robot 
see you 
be careful with the donuts 
flava flav 
that little sh*t bit me 
i rebuke you demon in the name of jesus 
all day foreplay 
poo story #49202 
special dancers 
pee story #1283 
Subway Stories: true stories from new york's transit system 
submit your own 

Mommy, I'm scared
by m-jo
"Mommy, I'm scared." The girl said. She was sitting in Mommy's lap. It was the F train in the morning on the way to work. Standing room only.
Mommy asks, "Why are you scared, honey?"

The young girl responds by vomiting all over herself and her mother. At this point the mother goes into full-on MOMMY mode and begins wiping the puke (which smells like a mixture of oatmeal and bile) off of her daughter's jacket even as her own hands are being puked on over and over by her bawling daughter. And she does the most amazing mom-like thing. She begins talking to the girl as if it's no big deal. "You made a little puke, didn't ya, honey? We're gonna clean this right up."

As the waves of vomiting ended, she said, "Can you sing Mommy a little cleaning song. She needs a song while she cleans this up."

In between the subsiding sobs, the girl begins to sing a song while Mom cleans the last of the mess with all of the donated handkerchiefs, kleenex, and napkins provided by the other passengers.

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