subway musical 
steven tyler photo 
jumping into tracks 
you tell him! 
empty car 
i'm going to puke 
train rules 
the last month 
stereotypical crazy mumbler 
piddle puddle 
rock paper scissors 
random attack 
a man's shoes 
2 sentence story 
i am no help 
are you threatening me? 
damn metrocard swipers 
comfortably asleep on my shoulder 
kick her ass 
almost bitten 
while i kiss the pole 
you're getting wet 
things not to pick up 
fondled twice 
turnie the turnstile turner 
subway curse 
apology to the mta 
subway music 
also good 
absolutely worse day in history 
cat on dog action 
religious icons performing oral sex 
mommy, i'm scared 
high alert 
white powder 
school of hard knocks 
you don't have to go to university 
homework robot 
see you 
be careful with the donuts 
flava flav 
that little sh*t bit me 
i rebuke you demon in the name of jesus 
all day foreplay 
poo story #49202 
special dancers 
pee story #1283 
Subway Stories: true stories from new york's transit system 
submit your own 

Are you threatening me?
by Mikey
So I am walking down the platform edge in a rather good mood. There are hardly any people on the platform(about 1pm workday). I am straddling the orange line next to the tracks looking down zt my feet as I walk. As you walk this line you cannot see people standing behind the green I bars that line the edge of the track.

All of a sudden, this guy steps out from behind one post and we meet at the same moment in the same spot. He turns immediately in my direction and I try to avoid and he purposely turns squarely into me and puts is hands on his waist so his elbows create a wall. I am in mid-motion and we are right on top of eachother so as I try to avoid and he does everything he can to be an asshole, we knock arms.
He turns to me and says " Watch where ya goin' and say excuse me!" I stop, turn and say, "You hit me".
He comes up to my face and says over and over and over "you were up on me, you were up on me"
He is in my face I am caught off gaurd and I say, "why do want to fight about it? You purposely stood in my way."

He starts ranting how I am a white something or other and paces back and forth talking trash about it being all my fault. I didnt keep walking ( I should have). He finally says " "Do it again. Do it again." I begin to walk away finally and he says "Next time I'll throw your ass on the tracks"

This sent me through the roof already feeling emasculated so I turn and ask rather angrily "Are you threatening me?" He does the typical subway/Jerry Springer argument of finding one phrase and repeat it loudly for and ten minutes to hopefully not allow any reasoned discussion or any point you may want to make in through the barrage. I reply in kind with my question. He starts to shrink in his toughiness and continues to repeat. I begin to feel as moronic as Springer fans as well as this guy SO I finally break of and say almost laughing "Is this your idea of a big fight? Is this supposed to be scary?"
(I was shitting my pants-- me --5 foot nothin).
So nothing is getting resolved, he doesnt threaten again but he goes back to repeating some phrase. I finally figured on how to shut him up. I got up close and started singing Close to You by the Carpenters complete with the "Ahhhhhhhhh, close to you". He was struck dumb. A situation where I saw someone truly not know whether to shit or go blind.
He figured I was crazier than he was so he walked away....
The end

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